Sunday 30 March 2008

Dawning realisation

Dunstaburgh Dawn 2, Northumberland, March 2008

I've realised that my best work is coming from the "intimate landscape" - this is where I am most pleased with my own work and seem to create a better connection with viewers. As I work through the results of the workshop this is what I am finding. It also connects to what I most like in others' work. It's why i particularly like Eliot Porter's work. This is what I have mostly taken away from the workshop experience: a greater understanding of my own work and what gives me the greatest pleasure in photography.

The shot above is an example of the sort of thing I should be avoiding. A bit cliched and never quite right. Below is a good example of the closer range.

Pool shore, Northumberland, March 2008

I think that I may well concentrate more time on shooting landscape subjects at closer range than I have done in the past.

Slightly related, another comment I got on the workshop:

"someone who can produce a range of work like this is clearly going to get a lot of enjoyment from their photography."

I think that is true for me, and hopefully evident in my writing here.

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